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Results for "keyword: "religious symbols""
Secrets of Greek Mysticism Reclaiming Greek divinities as more than clever stories.
City Magick Christopher Penczak on how airplanes, balloons, and brick walls signify mysteries that can't be solved.
Seasons of Celebration Thomas Merton on the meaning of Ash Wednesday.
The Celtic Spirit Caitlin Matthews on joyfully greeting May Day.
One Minute Nonsense Anthony de Mello's Master on how we create a world in our head which differs from the world of Reality.
Eternal Seasons A fine collection that keys excerpts from his spiritual teacher's writings to the themes of the church year.
The Art of Faith Judith Couchman on animals as teachers in many Christian paintings.
Reading the Bible Again for the First Time Marcus J. Borg on three metaphors for Christians' relationship to scripture.
The Meaning Is in the Waiting Paula Gooder on pregnancy as a model of active and nurturing waiting, which is also characteristic of the season of Advent and hope.
The Easter Mysteries Delves into some of the spiritual meanings of the Lenten season.